Parish Council
Parish Councillors
Name | Role | Contact |
Nick Waldron |
Chair |
Robert Richardson |
Vice Chair |
Simon Warner |
Councillor |
Angela Waldron |
Councillor |
vacancy |
Parish Clerk
Name | Role | Contact |
Clare Hamilton |
Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer |
County and Ward Councillors
Name | Role | Contact |
Mike Sole |
Kent County Councillor |
Mike Bland |
Chartham & Stone Street Ward Councillor |
Alister Brady |
Chartham & Stone Street Ward Councillor |
A parish council is the first tier of local government in England. More information about parish councils can be found at the Canterbury City Council website here.
About the Parish Council
The parish council receives and comments on planning applications within the parish, manages Bossingham Playing Field, contributes toward the grounds maintenance of the village hall, advises on rights of way and the general environment of the parish.
The parish council is funded by small Precept, an amount paid as part of the council tax. For the 2022/23 financial year the precept for UHPC is £6,145.
The parish council also receives an annual grant from the Canterbury City Council Concurrent Function Funding scheme. This was set up to reimburse expenses incurred by parish councils for the delivery of services which are provided by the city council in urban areas, eg. grounds maintenance and annual playing field inspections. In May 2020, Canterbury City Council carried out a review of its Concurrent Function Funding scheme and this funding scheme has been significantly reduced.
Council Meetings
The council meets 6 times per year in Bossingham Village Hall at 7pm unless stated otherwise. It also holds an Annual Meeting of the Council and an Annual Parish Meeting. Minutes and Agendas of council meetings can be viewed by clicking on the Minutes/Agendas tab in the menu and on the parish noticeboard outside Bossingham Village Hall. If you need any further information on UHPC please contact the Parish Clerk.
Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities
Upper Hardres Parish Council is required to comply with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, i.e. those with a turnover of less that £25K. The documents necessary for compliance can be found on the Finance page in the menu.
Parish Clerk
Clare Hamilton
Tel: 01303 257321 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm only, please)
Email: [email protected]
The clerk’s part-time role is to be a professional, objective, impartial manager, administrator, researcher and advice giver to the Parish Council.