Bossingham Playing Field
Litter Bin
The playing field litter bin is the responsibility of Canterbury City Council and should be emptied at least fortnightly but collections are regularly missed.
If you find the bin to be overflowing, it would be helpful if you can report it to directly to CCC here under 'Report a problem with a public litter bin'. The same link can be used to report a problem with a dog waste bin. If you are unable to report it, please inform a Councillor or the Parish Clerk at [email protected] with a photo if possible.
Playing field visitors are encouraged to take their litter home to be disposed of, especially plastic bottles and other items that can be recycled. Van drivers who use the Village Hall car park are asked NOT to use this bin.
About the Playing Field
Bossingham Playing Field is owned by the Parish Council and is a real asset to the area being well used by residents and visitors alike.
Funding was raised over several years by a separate committee resulting in the equipment in use today.
Regular inspections are made by a Councillor and a local volunteer and any issues are reported to the Parish Clerk. An annual RoSPA inspection is carried out by The Play Inspection Company